Before going into detail concerning possible care of Rubelli fabrics as a result of the COVID-19 virus, a definition of some terms which in these cases are not always used correctly is useful.
The main terms are: 

  • Cleanliness: the lack of dirt on a surface, on a place or on an object. Detergent/sanitizing products (the two terms are equivalent) are used per room for cleaning and they remove dirt by a mechanical or physical action.
  • Cleaning: consists in removing and keeping away dirt and the micro-organisms it contains, with a consequent reduction in the microbial load. Cleaning is a mandatory operation before processes of disinfecting and sterilization, as dirt is rich in micro-organisms which actively multiply in it and it can reduce the action of disinfectants.
  • Disinfecting: a treatment for abating the microbial load of rooms, surfaces and materials and should be carried out using disinfectant products (biocides or medical and surgical products) authorised by the Ministry for Health. These products must compulsorily bear the registration/authorisation number on the label.
  • Sterilization: a physical or chemical process that leads to the targeted destruction of any living microbial form, whether vegetative or spores.

Definition of the COVID-19 virus
The COVID-19 virus is a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a layer of lipids (fats) and, as a protein molecule, is not killed but instead decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on factors such as temperature, humidity and the type of material in which it is found. For this reason, it can be said that the virus is in itself very fragile and the only thing that protects it is the thin layer of lipids which surrounds it. 
This layer, by its very nature, can easily be dissolved in solvents such as ether, chloroform and perchloroethylene. The latter in particular, associated with solvents and hydrocarbons, is the most commonly used in traditional domestic and industrial laundries. The action of the solvent, combined with the temperature of drying which reaches 70/80°C, inactivates the virus, qualifying dry cleaning of the fabric or of the item of furniture as a safe element in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.


It should be said beforehand that for the cleaningand cleansingof Rubelli fabrics reference should be made to the indications on the label. The following are the care and disinfection methodsrelating to the different types of fabrics and wallpaper.

  1. Curtains and removable fabric covers: for fabrics containing natural fibres or with mainly natural fibres in their composition, dry cleaning, normal or delicate, is recommended, as indicated in the catalogue. To disinfect properly, it is possible to use pure alcohol or disinfectants with an alcohol base (minimum alcohol content 70%), spraying them over the fabric at a distance of 30/40 cm (in the case of upholstered items it is not necessary to remove the fabric from the item of furniture). The fabric must not be found to be wet, but evenly damp. The alcoholic substance deposited must be left to evaporate without carrying out any mechanical/manual operation. Should the fabric be wet, it is advisable to follow the spraying treatment with drying with hot air without following this with any mechanical or manual action. We strongly advise against the use of products with a bleach base, as they are damaging and cause loss of colour in the fabric. 
    For fabrics containing synthetic fibres or with mainly synthetic fibres (polyester, Trevira, nylon) in their composition, washing in water at 30° is recommended to achieve the same level of hygiene as dry cleaning, as indicated in the catalogue, adding to low-temperature washes suitable disinfectants registered as medical products, commonly available on the market, making sure that the instructions for use are followed carefully. 
    All Trevira or FR polyester fabrics can be washed at 50°C without undergoing any change (physical and aesthetic), having already been treated at higher temperatures. These fabrics, being made up of less than hydrophilic fibres and which in normal conditions do not easily take in water and humidity, the main causes of the proliferation of mould, have the feature of not favouring the development of mould and fungi in that they would not find suitableand hospitablesituations for them here. 
    It is important that the products used for washing fabrics or upholstered pieces in water are marked as medical products and that the methods and instructions for use are followed carefully. 
    To disinfect properly, it is possible to use pure alcohol or disinfectants with an alcohol base (minimum alcohol content 70%), spraying them over the fabric at a distance of 30/40 cm and, where upholstered pieces are present, without removing the covers. The fabric must not be found to be wet, but evenly damp. The alcoholic substance deposited must be left to evaporate without carrying out any mechanical/manual operation. Should the fabric be found to be wet, it is advisable to follow the spraying treatment with drying with hot air without following this with any mechanical or manual action. We strongly advise against the use of products with a bleach base, as they are damaging and cause loss of colour in the fabric.
  2. Non-removable fabrics: both for fabrics with a natural composition and those with an artificial composition disinfection can be carried out using steam or products with an alcohol base (minimum alcohol content 70%). In both cases appropriate sprays will be used, taking care not to exceed with the quantity - the fabric must be damp and not wet. Spraying must therefore take place at a distance of 30/40 cm and evenly over the entire upholstered piece. Should the fabric be found to be wet, it is advisable to follow the spraying treatment with drying with hot air without following this with any mechanical or manual action. We strongly advise against the use of products with a bleach base, as they are damaging and cause loss of colour in the fabric.
  3. Vinyl Wallpaper:vinylic material is the one most suitable for any type of cleaning and operation on the surface. It cannot in fact be attacked by bacteria and by viruses which can only lie on the surface through contact. COVID-19 can remain on the surface of wallpaper but inactivates by itself in a few hours. To eliminate it immediately a mix of soap and water is sufficient, used on a sponge or sprayed directly over the surface. The use of steam makes the operation even faster, spraying at a distance of 30/40 cm without following this with any mechanical action of cleaning or of drying. To disinfect properly, it is possible to use pure alcohol or disinfectants with an alcohol base (minimum alcohol content 70%), spraying them over the wall at a distance of 30/40 cm. The wall must not be found to be wet, but evenly damp. The alcoholic substance deposited must be left to evaporate without carrying out any mechanical/manual operation.
  4. Wall hanging /Wallcoverings – textile material: in order to properly disinfect fabric for walls it is necessary to carry out spraying with products with an alcohol base (minimum ethanol 70%) or with plain steam at a distance of 30/40 cm without following this with any mechanical action of cleaning and of drying. If steam is used, the treatment must be even and not prolonged in order not to jeopardise adherence of the fabric to the wall. If the fabric is found to be wet, it is advisable to follow the spraying treatment with drying with hot air without following this with any mechanical or manual action. Only for wall fabrics in the collection with a stainproof treatment as indicated in the catalogue it is possible to wipe lightly with a sponge moistened with a solution of 5% bleach diluted 1 to 50 (e.g. 100 ml of bleach with 4900 ml water), leaving it to take effect for 15/30 minutes to then repeat the operation, using however only water.
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