
Regarding sustainability and respect for the environment, Rubelli has for some time now been moving in a direction which has gradually seen the addition of new initiatives, product ranges and "inventions".


Download the sustainability report 2023

Durabilty and Quality

While durability, as well as the quality of the materials used that have always been a feature of Rubelli fabrics, contribute to a reduction in waste and pollution, in more recent years the introduction of new yarns and compliance with specific production standards have contributed to consolidating the path of eco-sustainability undertaken.

Java, eco-sustainable jacquard

Vibrations, eco-sustainable jacquard

Lollipop, eco-sustainable lampas

Innovative and Eco-Sustainable Fibers

In 2021 Rubelli launched a series of "eco-sustainable" fabrics, made with an innovative bio-sourced fibre produced from organic castor bean extracts and with an eco viscose derived from wood and pulp from responsibly managed forests, the processing waste from which is recycled in the production cycle.

Circular Economy

For the 2022 textile products on offer Rubelli has studied and developed a new yarn by recovering waste from its own mill, specifically using so-called false selvedges. Reworked in a special process and then suitably treated, they are transformed into a "new" yarn. And so what was once nothing more than textile residues inevitably destined to be discarded is now a new raw material. An example of recycling, of the circular economy.

The false selvedges that will be transformed in new yarns

A stage of the process to trasform false selvedges in new yarns

The making of one of Rubelli eco-sustainable fabrics

Respect for the Environment and for People

Many Rubelli fabrics are certified Oeko-Tex Standard 100 (which attests that they do not release substances that are harmful and dangerous to human health) and GREENGUARD Gold (which states that they do not release damaging substances into the environment).

The factory in Cucciago near Como has also seen a significant reduction in environmental impact, with particular reference to noise and vibrations pollution, and to an increasing reduction in waste of resources and energy.

Rubelli has taken the Green Path

The responsibility we feel towards the planet encourages us to continue along this route with ever greater conviction and determination.

Textum, a matelassé fabrics.
The filler weft is made from waste from the Rubelli mill from false selvedges.

I tessuti ecosostenibili

Il percorso green intrapreso daRubellicon convinzione e determinazione prevede nuove e significative tappe in un’ottica di impegno e responsabilità verso il Pianeta.

©️ 2025 Rubelli S.p.A. | S. Marco 3395, Venezia | VAT IT 03333900276 | C.F. 05091270487 | R.E.A. VE 293920 | Fully Paid-up Capital €15 .000.000 I.V. | Powered by Eurostep