Rubelli Casa
By Marco Piva

Fellini coffee table square

Federico Fellini. A genius. Brilliant and ironic. The Fellini coffee tables are an evolution of the Rossellini coffee tables. The same shapes feature slightly rounded forms, but simplified. While the top of the Rossellini coffee tables is in Damantio®, a decorative material patented by Rubelli in 2017 - a byword for technological innovation applied to creativity – the top of the Fellini coffee table is made of wood: either available in different Eucalyptus variants or in a walnut version. The new coffee tables have a single tube-shaped base with a rectangular section, instead of the double metallic “ribbon” as is seen in the Rossellini tables.
  • Fellini coffee table square - Bronze base / eucalyptus nat. pomele topV02 Bronze bas...
  • Fellini coffee table square - Black nickel base/eucalalypt. nat. pomele topV04 Black nick...
  • Fellini coffee table square - Bronze base / natural walnut topV05 Bronze bas...
  • Fellini coffee table square - Black nickel base / natural walnut topV06 Black nick...
  • Fellini coffee table square - Bronze base - eucalyptus brown topV01 Bronze bas...
  • Fellini coffee table square - Black nickel base-eucal. brown topV03 Black nick...
Technical specifications
Made in
16016 - Foto 1
16016 - Foto 2
Marco Piva
Marco Piva
Marco Piva

Exciting, fluid, functional, this is the language that distinguishes Marco Piva’s architectural creations, product design and interior design.

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