Rubelli at FuoriSalone 2023

Rubelli makes an appearance at the Fuorisalone, in the flagship store on Via Fatebenefratelli, in a particularly lively and varied guise: the evocative textile installation created by the designers Zanellato/Bortotto, the new projects by Matteo Nunziati for Rubelli Casa and the jacquard fabrics created in collaboration with Ginori 1735 for their first home collection.

Fabrics, furniture, lifestyle. A world to discover during Milan Design Week.

©️ 2025 Rubelli S.p.A. | S. Marco 3395, Venezia | VAT IT 03333900276 | C.F. 05091270487 | R.E.A. VE 293920 | Fully Paid-up Capital €15 .000.000 I.V. | Powered by Eurostep