Rubelli Casa
By Nava & Arosio

Pablo piano

The geometry, with a double play on surface facets, marks out the sculptural and essential aspect of Pablo Piano in polyurethane, available in different matte lacquer finish colourways. Pablo Piano in polyurethane HD can be coordinated with other items in the Piano collection, creating a play on different heights and scenic effects.
  • Pablo piano - Matt cream1 Matt cream
  • Pablo piano - Matt oxide red2 Matt oxide...
  • Pablo piano - Matt turquoise3 Matt turqu...
  • Pablo piano - Matt grey4 Matt grey
Technical specifications
Made in
12119 - Foto 1
12119 - Foto 2
12119 - Foto 3
12119 - Foto 4
12119 - Foto 5
Nava + Arosio
Nava + Arosio
Nava + Arosio

Paolo Emanuele Nava (1989) and Luca Maria Arosio (1988) are Nava + Arosio. The studio of the two Italians designer has two headquarters, one in Milan, and one in Lissone, in a big house-studio- laboratory of the first '900's.

©️ 2024 Rubelli S.p.A. | S. Marco 3395, Venezia | VAT IT 03333900276 | C.F. 05091270487 | R.E.A. VE 293920 | Fully Paid-up Capital €15 .000.000 I.V. | Powered by Eurostep