Rubelli Wallcovering
By Luke Edward Hall

Parade textured

Parade is a very original collection that features characters and elements from ancient Greece, theatre and the circus, all themes very dear to Luke Edward Hall who says: "I was inspired by Pompeii, but also Bloomsbury and Renaissance frescoes". A multiform and seductive parade of gods, goddesses, actors and artists, which can be used "alone" or combined with other elements (multi-coloured vases of flowers or gushing fountains) and inserted into a sort of classical architecture made of columns and friezes. All the elements come from drawings made and then painted in watercolour by Hall. The wallpapers - made to order - are available both on a vinyl base that resembles a canvas (Textured), and on a non-woven fabric with a smooth surface (Smooth). For both versions, printing is available in monochrome (Grisaille) or in soft colours (Colour) taking inspiration from the faded walls of old buildings. The peculiarity of the collection consists in the possibility of selecting and combining the various subjects to create a personalised wallcovering that is suitable for the chosen space, but as if it were a game.
  • Parade textured - Grisaille1 Grisaille
  • Parade textured - Colour2 Colour
Technical specifications
100%Vinyl on nonwoven
Made in
EN 12149 method A-B-C., Europe EN 13501-1 wallcovering, U.S.A. ASTM E-84 wallcovering
Quality certification
50 cm / 19.75 in
Care and treatment
Not washable – remove traces of glue with a damp sponge without rubbing
Notes and more information
Straight match
Paste the wall
European conformity
28000 - Foto 1
28000 - Foto 2
28000 - Foto 3
28000 - Foto 4
28000 - Foto 5
28000 - Foto 6
Luke Edward Hall
Luke Edward Hall
Luke Edward Hall

Luke Edward Hall is an English artist and designer. Luke’s philosophy is shaped by his love of storytelling and fantasy. His colourful work is often inspired by history, filtered through a lens of irreverent romanticism.

©️ 2024 Rubelli S.p.A. | S. Marco 3395, Venezia | VAT IT 03333900276 | C.F. 05091270487 | R.E.A. VE 293920 | Fully Paid-up Capital €15 .000.000 I.V. | Powered by Eurostep