Rubelli Casa
By Luca Scacchetti

Rio tera console new

Minimalist console with four legs, Rìo Terá comes in Moka stain ashwood. The slim, tapered legs make it lightweight and easy to fit in various living spaces. The top is covered in leather while the metal feet are available with satin brass finishes.
  • Rio tera console new1 Rio tera c...
Luca Scacchetti
Luca Scacchetti
Luca Scacchetti

Luca Scacchetti, Milan 1952-2015. In 1975 he graduated in architecture from Milan Politecnico.

He carried out teaching work at various institutions, from Milan Politecnico to the Istituto Europeo di Design and the Accademia di Brera in Milan. From 1990 to 1995 he was director of the department of architecture at the Istituto Europeo di Design.

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